Louis is a Little Camera Shy

Louis is a Little Camera Shy
Louis B. Hawkins

Friday, April 15, 2011

As if this week couldnt get any worse.....

As if this week could not get any more worse, I go yesterday and get what I thought was a normal trim.  Heck the girl has cut my hair before, did it perfect, so I go back and come out looking like a man my hair is so short.  I have cried all night, washed my hair until my scap is so dry I cannot stand it, and tried to style it ever way known to man and it looks like crap every time I am finished.  So its official...I HATE IT!!!  I would say who cut it so you could be warned not to go if you want to keep your hair but I am not that type of person.  But I swear I dont know how hard it is to cut my hair?  She is like the 5th person in a year to screw up my hair.  However, this has to be the WORSE time ever.  I dont ask for much, just a tiny trim with a few layers.  Not a dang man trim.  What makes matters worse is no one understands me being so upset.  I will say my best friend did.  She said she understood because no one ever understands when she gets a pissy "do".  But I do think I have decided that I will just no longer cut my hair.  Forget it.  It looks like crap when it is long but hey!  At least I have hair for it to look crappy!!  My bangs are so short right now they are sticking straight up and I can not do anything with them.  Overall I would say my hair is 2" to short in the bangs and 3-4" to short everywhere else.  So my week has been sucky!!!  UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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